Winter 2025
It is that time of year again folks…..
We have had reports that snowy owls have once again come to visit the Resource Recovery Center/Wastewater. While this is a wonderful event, we are finding it necessary to remind everyone to please keep adequate distance between yourself and the owls. There are some juveniles which might allow you to get closer to them that normal as they are still learning their environment and how to hunt. Humans getting too close to the snowy owls can disrupt them in teaching their young to hunt and survive which could lead to them starving during the winter and can also unnecessarily stress the owls.
While we enjoy having you visit the facility to take your pictures and view the beautiful raptors and other wildlife, we want to stress that you should NEVER feed the owls or any wild creatures here at the facility and you should maintain at least 75-100 yards between you and the owls or other wildlife.
Thank you!!