Forms / Documents

All forms and documents are in Adobe Acrobat or Word format.
You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF documents.

FormsLegal DocumentsProcedures


Compliance Deadline Report
Compliance Deadline Report V4 (Microsoft Word format)
CDR Instructions V4  PDF

Compliance Schedules and Reports
Compliance Progress Report(Microsoft Word format)
Compliance Schedule V4  (Microsoft Word format)
Compliance Schedule Instructions V4  PDF

Confidentiality Request
Confidentiality (Microsoft Word format)

Continued Compliance Report
Minor User CCR form V3  (Microsoft Word format)
SIU CCR form V4 (Microsoft Word format)

Freedom of Information Act request:

Permit Applications for Minor Industrial Users (MIU) – Piped Waste
MIU Permit Application V4   (Microsoft Word format)

Permit Applications for Minor Industrial Users (MIU) – Hauled Waste
MIU Hauled Waste Permit Application V7  (Microsoft Word format)

Permit Applications — SIU Permits (Word Format)
SIU Permit Application V3
SIU Attachment A
SIU Attachment B
SIU Attachment C
SIU Attachment D
SIU Attachment E
SIU Attachment F
SIU Attachment G
SIU Attachment H
SIU Attachment I   PDF
SIU Attachment J   PDF

Potential Problems Report

Self Monitoring Form
Self monitoring checklist (user) (Microsoft Word format)

Specific Alternative Limit (SAL) Request Form
SAL Request V2 (Microsoft Word format)

Standard Industrial Classification Codes
SIC_Codes (Microsoft Word format)

North American Industry Classification System
NAICS Codes (Microsoft Word format)



Sewer Use Ordinance (Revision #5)

Metro NPDES Permit